Hadrat Abdullah Bin Qurt (Radhiyallaho anho) narrates that he heard the Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) saying” Salaat will be the first thing to be reckoned for on the Day of judgement. If this is found satisfactory, then the rest of the deeds will also come out as such. If this not so, then the remaining deeds are sure to be found wanting.
Hadrat Umar R.a during his caliphate had issued a proclamation to all officers under him saying,” I regard salaat as the most important duty. A person who observes salaat is likely to observe other injunctions of Islam as well: but if he discards salaat, he will more easily damage the rest of Islaam.”
The above saying of the Prophet (SAW) and the proclamation of Hazrat Umar R.a are also corroborated by another hadith, “ Satan is scared of a Muslim so long as he is mindful of his salaat: but no sooner he neglects the salaat than shatan descends on him and becomes hopeful of leading him astray, and then he can easily be lured to commit more serious wrongs and major sins. This exactly what is meant by Almighty Allah when he say,
“Lo! Salaat preserveth from lewdness and inequity”
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